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NANOFERTIL - Cellulose-based iron nanofertilizers for sustainable growth of soybean plants

02-01-2022 on going

EXPL/QUI-QIN/0411/2021 (FCT)

Principal Investigator: Tânia Moniz

LAQV Research Unit Funding

Laboratório Associado para a Química Verde - Tecnologias e Processos Limpos: UIDB/50006/2020

Research projects (coordinator/team member)
Principal Investigator of project PTDC/AGRPRO/3515/2014

(Fe)rrying plants to prevent chlorosis
Principal Investigator of project NORTE-07-0124-FEDER-000066

Chelators for novel therapeutic strategies, 
01-01-2013 to 30-06-2015
Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Norte
Principal Investigator of project PTDC/AAG-MAA/3978/2012

EnvIRONsensing - Novel iron sensing systems for biogeochemical applications/ EnvIRONsensing - Sensores de ferro para estudos biogeoquímicos, 1-1-2013 to 31-12-2015
Principal Investigator of project PTDC/QUI/67915/2006

Novel Key Molecular Architectures to Target Infection/Novas Arquitecturas Moleculares para Combater Processos Infecciosos. 2009-2012.

Principal Investigator at REQUIMTE of project PTDC/SAU-MET/113011/2009 Protection from iron toxicity by the immune system: cells, proteins and mechanisms. 2011-2014.

Principal Investigator of project POCI/QUI/56214/2004 Design of macromolecular intracelular iron chelators and evaluation of its anti-microbial activity/ Concepção de quelantes macromoleculares para ferro intracelular e avaliação da sua actividade anti-microbiana. 2005-2008

Principal Investigator at REQUIMTE of project POCI /56949/2004 Desenvolvimento de novos compostos de vanádio. Sua aplicação como agentes anti-diabéticos e anticancerígenos. 2005-2009

Principal Investigator of project POCTI/QUI/46231/2002 Structural factors determinant for the reactivity of photolysisi products of B12 model systems/Estudo de factores estruturais determinantes na reactividade dos produtos de fotólise de compostos modelo do sistema B12, 2003-2005.

Principal Investigator of project nº CH-448 e CH-645, “EXAFS and XANES Solution Studies of Insulin Mimetic Vanadium Complexes” ESRF (European Synchrotron Radiation Facility).

Principal Investigator at REQUIMTE of project POCTI /35368/99 Síntese, estrutura, propriedades, especiação em solução e estudos biológicos de compostos de vanádio com potencial para o tratamento de Diabetes.

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